Anti-Corporatization Campaign - Design de Plume
Anti-Corporatization Campaign
Category: Illustration
Entered By: Design de Plume
Date: 2016.07.27
Description: As public funding for education goes down the difference needs to be solicited from companies. This is causing issues for both universities and colleges by allowing bias within the research departments, allocation of student funding going down, and less student funded businesses on campuses. The Canadian Federation of Students wanted to come up with a way to visually show how corporate funding can negatively affect a schools independence. The doll house inspired infographic gives a glimpse into the post-secondary institution, showing both the good and the bad while leaving enough information to give the facts about corporate funding. There were two main illustrations created. One that shows the corporate funded institution and the other the public funded institution. The same characters were used throughout each piece to show how it affects the classroom environments and how the experience can be vastly different within the two settings. Following the creation of these illustrations they were formatted for larger poster formats, door hangers, and other hand out materials.
Credits: Meggan Van Harten RGD - Project lead, Illustrator & Designer. Melissa Deschenes RGD - Illustrator. Luc Chrétien - Designer