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ARC - Climbing - Studio123


Category: Website & Interactive
Entered By: Studio123
Date: 2017.11.01

Description: ARC is a community-oriented lifestyle fitness facility offering indoor climbing and daily yoga classes to help its members balance and optimize how they move through life. Studio123 worked collaboratively with ARC to bring their existing brand to the next level with the development of strategic marketing tools including promotional print materials and a completely reimagined online presence. The foundation of the digital strategy is ARC’s new website that lets users explore climbing courses, yoga classes and workshops, and book private sessions on an energetic, and branded platform. The custom WordPress website marries responsive design with a powerful, intuitive backend to simplify the management process for the ARC team. Studio123 designed a yoga schedule that is more accessible across all devices and better reflects the ARC brand. The website also includes a simplified sign up process for new members with digital forms, powered by conditional logic. 

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