Makers North Collective - Tracy Baker
Makers North Collective
Category: Identity & Branding
Entered By: Tracy Baker
Date: 2016.09.01
Description: Makers North Collective is a group of Northern Ontario based makers dedicated to helping fellow artists and creators work be seen, enjoyed and experienced. They believe in handmade, slow-living & life in the north: it’s beauty, people & the work that is made here. The identity needed to recognize their northern heritage while encompassing the soul and character that goes with being handmade. Target: Geared towards people aged 18 - 65, the Makers North member is a creative individual who is not afraid to live off the beaten path. All types are welcome although skewed to those who support local, handmade and more authentic items than what the big box stores have to offer. Solution: The brand needed to represent both the makers and the people who seek out the handmade. A cross section of wood was combined with a splash of watercolour since each element features imperfections that are unique and unable to be duplicated in nature. This is meant to embrace both the pride felt in our northern heritage as well as to demonstrate the one of a kind feel that a truly handmade piece carries with it.
JUROR’S Selection
"Gritty with a hint of elegance. Reflecting the essence of what Makers North Collective really is about. Absolutely love this identity."
- Ellen Heise