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Mixtype - Chantal Abdel-Nour


Category: Print & Typography
Entered By: Chantal Abdel-Nour
Date: 2017.02.27

Description: MIXTYPE was an idea conceived in 2017, with the intent of cross-pollinating the design field with the local music industry in Sudbury. I invited my second year students from the Cambrian College Graphic Design program, Alumni, and Faculty to partner with local musicians to create hand-rendered/or digitally-rendered original typographic posters featuring song lyrics. For my design, I used a section of the lyrics from Jennifer Holub’s song The Wolf, and designed original lettering paired with a watercolour scene at the base. The song alludes to the violence women endure in abusive relationships, and how there can be multiple victims of one abuser. It also encourages women to fight for justice, not to cower, and to protect themselves and one another. The lettering was designed with fairly bold weights as a means of pleading with the victim to take a stand, not to back down and let the perpetrator win. The fawn appears to be caught in a maze, looking back almost as if to see if she’s in danger, with the abuser (the wolf) lurking in the shadows of the forest below and waiting. Proceeds from the poster sales were donated to the Sudbury Blue Door soup kitchen, with a total of $1,000.00 raised.


Jennifer Holub for incredible song + lyrics.  

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