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Transit Etiquette Video - OvertheAtlantic


City of Greater Sudbury: Transit Etiquette Video

Category: Motion & Animation
Entered By: OvertheAtlantic
Date: 2016.11.14

Description: The agency was commissioned to devise a video strategy that would raise awareness to an otherwise under mentioned subject of 'rider etiquette' on the City of Greater Sudbury transit system. The rules and common courtesy practices that made up the script of this video were inspired by a host of issues and concerns experienced by riders and bus operators. They wanted to develop a video that would be well received, short, and with tongue and cheek humour. The end product was creating an animated short video that was narrated by a serious voice and script, but include fun visuals that corresponded by the etiquette rules illustrated on the screen. The video would be shown on social media platforms including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. To reach all potential riders, other televised media outlets would be explored including cinema advertising.
