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Vale: HomeSafe - OvertheAtlantic



Category: Identity & Branding
Entered By: OvertheAtlantic
Date: 2015.03.02

Description: Everyday workers at Vale are part of an integrated operation that takes on the herculean effort of producing mineral product for world markets. The bulk of their sophisticated operations include working at amazing depths deep underground to pull product to the surface where it is processed in an equally incredibly process. As with all industrial jobs there are risks and hazards. Through training and constant safety messaging workers are reminded to exercise caution in all of their activities. The HomeSafe brand was specially designed to remind everyone of why we work safe. OTA was commissioned to develop the brand artwork and promote the brand throughout the clients operations and its 4,000 strong workforce.

HomeSafe Video here:

JUROR’S Selection

"A simple brand, well executed, with a crystal-clear message that matters. This is design that works, and may ultimately save lives."

- Adam Antoszek-Rallo

JUROR’S Selection

"My choice for Best in Show is Vale Sudbury’s Home Safe campaign. This visual identity system is simple, clear, heartwarming and relatable; it makes a beautiful connection between a company and its employees. The video is the cornerstone—bringing the system to life and highlighting not only that their employees SHOULD get home safe, but WHY they need to do so. Everything feels consistent across the various media used, and it’s impact leaves the impression of a company that sincerely cares."

- Brent Long


Produced in the North by and Fraser Torosay