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Sudbury Design Awards 2021



The Sudbury Design Awards is a biennial exhibition that displays the best in student and professional work across a multitude of Greater Sudbury’s creative industries, including, but not limited too graphic design, illustration, photography, editorial design, and architecture.

In keeping with this year’s theme of clarity, entries will be judged on how effectively they communicate their message or purpose to their intended audience as well as on technical skill.

Submissions are now closed for the Sudbury Design Awards


The Sudbury Design Awards is a biennial exhibition that displays the best in student and professional work across Greater Sudbury’s creative industries.

  • Entries can submit up to five projects in any category they wish and must provide written statements as indicated in the submission form*.

  • Entries will be judged on how effectively they communicate their message or purpose to their intended audience as well as on technical skill.

  • Entries falling into any of the categories are welcome and will be judged by the criteria of the appropriate category

    *Student submissions are open to three submissions per person.


  • Submissions to the Sudbury Design Awards are open to Greater Sudbury residents only.

  • Project must have been completed between January 1st, 2019, and May 1st, 2021.

  • See Eligibility and Term of Service for more details.


  • PDF orientation is up to the entrant.

  • Each entry has up to 25MB for a single entry file upload.

  • Images in .JPG or PFD format.

  • Each uploaded project layout is up to the entrant, and can be a multi-page PDF if the project requires more.

  • Video: If the video is being hosted through a service submit a PDF with a hyperlink to the video or graphic. High-quality resolution.


This award category is for any student work done for a postsecondary design program between January 1st, 2019, and May 1st, 2021.

The student award category will not be judged against the full award lineup but will be held to the same standard of professionalism. Any entrant in the student award category is open for three submissions per person.


Professional Members receive one free entry, and any additional submissions (up to five) at $45.00 each.
Professional Non-Members submissions (up to five) at $60.00 each.

Student Members received one free entry, and any additional submissions (up to three) at $20.00 each.
Student Non-Members submissions (up to three) at $35.00 each.


Become a member before July 19 and received your free entry! Membership is open to both students and professionals alike. Each membership category has access to different and specific benefits.

Become a member before July 19 and received your free entry! Membership is open to both students and professionals alike. Each membership category has access to different and specific benefits.



We had the chance to sit down with Christian Pelletier, partner of Studio123 whose studio won a Jurors Selection award in Sudbury Design Awards 2019: Insight. See Project.

A special thanks to Bad Taste Cinema who filmed and edited this video!

Email or follow the link to read out How-To-Submit and F.A.Q’s page.

If you are unaware of your membership status, please contact membership.