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SDS Socials: Nature Photography Walk


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SDS Socials: Nature Photography Walk

  • Kivi Park 4472 Long Lake Road OK, 74953 United States (map)

Join us for our third nature photography walk on the beautiful trails of Kivi Park. We welcome all levels of experience from cell phones to DLSR. We'll meet at the Chalet by the parking lot right off of Long Lake Rd. Don't forget to bring water, sunscreen, bug spray, the proper shoes, and your camera of choice! See you there!


Photo taken by Melissa Deschenes at the 2017 SDS Socials: Nature Photography Walk


Photo taken by Jennica Robinson at the 2017 SDS Socials: Nature Photography Walk

Earlier Event: September 24
Film Screening: Design Canada - Sudbury
Later Event: October 10
Film Screening: Graphic Means - Sudbury