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RAISE T-Shirt Warehouse Sale


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RAISE T-Shirt Warehouse Sale

Last chance to snap up collections before they’re gone forever.

In the past few months, we've been selling limited edition custom made t-shirts to support our Student Scholarship and as much as we want to hold onto these last few beauties, we want to see you wearing them even more.

That's why we're offering you 25% OFF REMAINING STOCK!!

Get them while they're hot because once the shirt is gone it's gone for good! Find your t-shirt here:

Limited quantities are available.

The sale ends when the last shirt is sold!

The first round of orders will be delivered and shipped contactless and Covid-19 safe, starting June 26 to June 28.

Earlier Event: May 7
RGD In-House Design Awards
Later Event: October 21
SDS Annual General Meeting