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Studio Tours - 2017


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Studio Tours - 2017

  • Yallowega Bélanger Architecture 255 Larch Street Sudbury, ON, P3B 1M2 Canada (map)

The Sudbury Design Society is hosting its 5th Annual Studio Tours.
This is a great opportunity for students and the general public to gain some insight into what it’s like to work in a firm, and to discover more about what design can offer here in Sudbury.

Meet up at Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture, 255 Larch St, Sudbury, ON P3B 1M2.

Look for the blue SDS pull up banner. Registration in the lobby.

Participating Studios:
•• Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture (YBSA)
•• Fuel Multimedia
•• TimeHero
•• Studio123

Free for SDS members. Pay what you can for non-members.

Earlier Event: September 17
SDS Socials: Nature Photography Walk
Later Event: October 11
2017 Annual General Meeting