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2019 SDA: Insight


Sudbury Design Awards: Insight

The Sudbury Design Society presents the Sudbury Design Awards: Insight. This biennial exhibition displays the best in student and professional work across the full gamut of the Greater Sudbury’s creative industries. The Sudbury Design Awards submissions were open to Greater Sudbury residents who created projects between January 2017 to December 2018.

Insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. Sudbury Design Awards 2019: Insight aims to highlight the in-depth knowledge on creative professionals’ processes, and to quite literally place great design in sight to create visual awareness of the design industry in Sudbury.



Exhibition showcasing locations

The Open Studio at Cambrian College is our first location to exhibit the 2019 Sudbury Design Awards: Insight. Thank you to the Open Studio and volunteers for helping us arrange this, and make our vision possible. We will continue to display the SDA: Insight pieces in other locations across the Greater City of Sudbury.

If you would like to display our 2019 SDA: Insight exhibit at your location, please contact us:



The Jurors Panel

The Sudbury Design Awards: Insight was made possible by our amazing jurors panel. The panel was carefully composed to include industry leaders, educators, and the business community.

Each year our panel is comprised of jurors with diverse backgrounds and experience. In order to give an impartial and neutral vote, we select individuals who do not have connections to, or reside in the City of Greater Sudbury.



Winning Exhibition Pieces:

We invited Greater Sudbury local designers to submit their work that had been completed between January 2017 and December 2018. The submitted pieces were thoroughly reviewed by the expert panel of jurors we assembled. The gala includes five special show pieces that were awarded the Jurors’ Selection Award, and had been selected by each of our jurors as their top pick. The result is an exhibition that showcases the best in student and professional work across the full gamut of the Sudbury’s creative industries.

 This is the Sudbury Design Awards: Insight.

Studio123 - Packaging & 3D

Studio123 - Packaging & 3D

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Design de Plume - Print & Typography

Design de Plume - Print & Typography

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Tennille Heinonen - Photography

Tennille Heinonen - Photography

Design de Plume - Web & Interactive

Design de Plume - Web & Interactive

Studio123 - Website & Interactive

Studio123 - Website & Interactive

Tennille Heinonen - Photography

Tennille Heinonen - Photography

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Print & Typography

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Print & Typography

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

FLOFOTO photography - Photography

FLOFOTO photography - Photography

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture - Architectural & Interior

Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture - Architectural & Interior

Tony Jurgilas RGD - Illustration

Tony Jurgilas RGD - Illustration

Launchpad Creative - Campaign/Project

Launchpad Creative - Campaign/Project

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Katarina Perkovic - Print & Typography

Katarina Perkovic - Print & Typography

Studio123 - Website & Interactive

Studio123 - Website & Interactive

OvertheAtlantic - Identity & Branding

OvertheAtlantic - Identity & Branding

Fuel Media - Environmental & Wayfinding

Fuel Media - Environmental & Wayfinding

Stephanie Hrechka - Miscellaneous

Stephanie Hrechka - Miscellaneous

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

Design de Plume - Campaign/Project

Yellow House - Photography

Yellow House - Photography

Ron Beltrame - Print & Typography

Ron Beltrame - Print & Typography

Artificial Films Inc. - Motion Graphics & Animation

Artificial Films Inc. - Motion Graphics & Animation

Studio123 - Print & Typography

Studio123 - Print & Typography

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Identity & Branding

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Identity & Branding

Studio123 - Website & Interactive

Studio123 - Website & Interactive

Yellow House - Illustration

Yellow House - Illustration

Yellow House - Packaging & 3D

Yellow House - Packaging & 3D

OvertheAtlantic - Motion Graphics & Animation

OvertheAtlantic - Motion Graphics & Animation

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

OvertheAtlantic - Motion Graphics & Animation

OvertheAtlantic - Motion Graphics & Animation

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Print & Typography

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Print & Typography

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Miscellaneous

Chantal Abdel-Nour - Miscellaneous

Neli Nenkova - Illustration

Neli Nenkova - Illustration

Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture - Architectural & Interior

Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture - Architectural & Interior

Tony Jurgilas RGD - Identity & Branding

Tony Jurgilas RGD - Identity & Branding

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Studio123 - Campaign/Project

Tennille Heinonen - Photography

Tennille Heinonen - Photography

Launchpad Creative - Identity & Branding

Launchpad Creative - Identity & Branding



Our Sponsors

Thank you to our amazing sponsors! 

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Nickel Sponsor

Nickel Sponsor


Gold Sponsors

Nickel Sponsors