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myIBT – Norcat



Category: Web & Interactive
Entered By: Norcat
Date: 2021.04

Description: myIBT® Internet Based Training Platform. Everything you need to browse courses, take training, and manage records. View and launch all of your enrolled courses from the training dashboard. myIBT® keeps track of all your training progress so that you can train at your pace, anytime, anywhere. 

myIBT® platform was designed for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android to be one your gateway to all things training.

Andrew Kostuik - Designer (UI/UX), Lead Developer

Ed Wisniewski - Sr. Developer

Greg Lajeunesse - Sr. Backend-Developer

Jeff Nicholls - Developer


Web & Interactive Judge: Dave Nighbor

Overall, I’m very impressed with myIBT as it appears to be a clean, comprehensive piece of software. The marketing site for the software ( is easy to navigate with clear prompts to download on multiple OS. The user experience is seamless across desktop, phones, and tablets making it easy to download the software on-the-go. The marketing webpage isn’t heavy on content yet still clearly explains how the software works and communicates the call-to- action. Congratulations on building a useful tool for the miners.