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Sudbury Architecture Tour


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Sudbury Architecture Tour

  • McEwen School of Architecture 85 Elm Street Sudbury, ON, P3C 1T3 Canada (map)

Sudbury Architecture Tour

Presented by: Northern Ontario Society of Architects

Join NOSA as we experience and learn about the making of architectural excellence in Sudbury!

The Northern Ontario Society of Architects (NOSA) has invited local architects to lead public tours through a building that they have designed. The chartered tour includes four buildings, each designed by a different architect and located on three different sites. Learn about the inspirations and challenges they faced as these projects moved from idea to paper and then into reality!

Here's the line-up:
Chris Perry, Architect OAA, Perry + Perry Architects --- All Nations Church
Louis Bélanger, Architect OAA, YBSA --- Paroisse Ste-Anne Des Pin
Jeff Laberge, Architect OAA, J.L. Richards --- Adanac Skill Lodge
Tim James, Architect OAA, 3rd Line Studio --- Adanac Ski Patrol + Rental Facility

Guests will travel together on a chartered vehicle to each location. To get started, we will meet in front of the Workshop at the McEwen School of Architecture (former Market Building) on Elgin Street in downtown Sudbury, ON. Our bus will depart by 1:45pm. At the end of the tour we will return to our pick-up location.

All this for free! And all because we want to share our love of Sudbury and architecture with you!!!

For more information visit their Facebook Event.