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Laurentian Architecture Lecture Series - Fall 2019 line up.


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Laurentian Architecture Lecture Series - Fall 2019 line up.

  • McEwen School of Architecture 85 Elm St Sudbury Canada (map)

Laurentian Architecture Lecture Series - Fall 2019 line up.

Presented by: Northern Ontario Society of Architects

NOSA is sponsoring the upcoming lecture by Anssi Lassila from Office for Peripheral Architecture, Helsinki, Finland next Tuesday October 1st at 5:30.

As a bonus the Sudbury Design Awards Juror Selection pieces will also be on display at this event. Thank you to NOSA for inviting the SDS to be apart of this opportunity.

We hope to see you there!

Earlier Event: September 26
Sudbury Design Awards Gala 2019
Later Event: October 5
Sudbury Architecture Tour