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Get connected to a city full of designers.

Join a free community of
designers from sudbury!

We know that being around other designers, connecting with other talented individuals, finding collaborators, or chatting with someone about design, could potentially help other designers. Which is why we’re building a free community discord to bring local designers together all in one place.

Sound like something you want to be apart of? Join the free discord!

Membership spaces

We’re a community of designers looking to keep the design fields alive and well in Sudbury. To keep our events and social meetups going, we need a little help. If you can, help us keep the SDS going with a donation of $10 a year.

For the price of a coffee run we’ll add in some bonus goodies for you, like:

  • A members only space in the discord server

  • Exclusive community discounts to Design Thinkers by RGD

  • Priority invites to our design social meetups (plus a free ticket!)

  • And more!

Interested in being a sponsor instead? Get in touch with us

Members F.A.Q

  • In order to be a member, you must meet the following criteria:

    • You are a designer who wants to join the design community in Sudbury!

  • We'll trouble shoot that for you. Send us an email or a quick DM and we'll get you set up!

  • Email our membership director at