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Sudbury Design Awards Gala 2019


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Sudbury Design Awards Gala 2019

  • Open Studio 1400 Barrydowne Road Sudbury, ON, P3A 6B9 Canada (map)

Sudbury Design Awards Gala 2019

The Sudbury Design Society presents the Sudbury Design Awards: Insight. This event is a biennial exhibition that displays the best in student and professional work across the full gamut of the Greater Sudbury’s creative industries.

Come join us for a night of celebration as we unveil the winners of the Sudbury Design Awards: Insight 2019.

Awards will be presented to everyone in the exhibition and the Jurors picks awards will be announced at the event.

The gala will be the first showing of the design pieces that have gained a spot in the Sudbury Design Awards 2019: Insight Exhibition (determined by the judges). We will continue to display the SDA 2019: Insight pieces in other locations in the Greater City of Sudbury.

To RSVP to the gala please visit our Facebook event page.

Parking Map & Room Location for the Open Studio

Parking Map of Cambrian

Parking Map of Cambrian

Open Studio room number is 2119

Open Studio room number is 2119

Earlier Event: September 24
Future by Design