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SDA Winner: CKLU Pledge Week - Chantal Abdel-Nour


CKLU Pledge Week

Category: Illustration
Entered By: Chantal Abdel-Nour
Date: 2019.01

Description: CKLU is a beloved local radio station in Sudbury that wanted to launch a new initiative in 2019 to help support community radio. With the use of iconic imagery (such as a radio tower, megaphone, and old fashioned mic), paired with bright retro colours and a slight off-set, the postcard communicated an invitation to tune-in and support. The visuals were also re-configured and used as the cover image for Facebook the following year, along with a schedule and buttons to further promote and generate excitement for the event.


Illustration Judge: Dominique Ramsey

After carefully assessment, I have chosen the CKLU Pledge week postcard as the winning entry for illustration. This artist used splendid graphic design choices and made good use of space. Their stylization is enticing and the color scheme welcoming, this postcard makes me want to tune in! This piece could be used for other products that did not take away from the design element.