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SDA Winner: Art Gallery of Sudbury - Chantal Abdel-Nour


Art Gallery of Sudbury

Category: Sustainable
Entered By: Chantal Abdel-Nour
Date: 2020.12

Description: In early 2020, the Art Gallery of Sudbury was preparing for the Franklin Carmichael exhibit, and was looking to have the gift wrapping for the gallery shop complement the event. The criteria was to pull from one or all of the exhibit’s brand colours (burgundy, navy blue, and grey), as well as loosely from Carmichael’s painting style. In terms of symbolism, aside from the distinctive manner in which he painted trees, there was also a desire to give a nod to the North, and have the gift wrap be suitable for the Fall season as well. In the end, a monochromatic approach wastaken, and a sustainable company (noissue) was the supplier for the final products, which were tissue paper, a thank-you card, and sealing sticker.

Mock-up templates from noissue.


Sustainability Judge: Emma Fanning

The designer took a materials-focused sustainability approach to their gift wrapping for the Art Gallery of Sudbury, ordered from NoIssue for the gallery shop. NoIssue’s tissue papers are FSC-certified, acid-free, and uses soy-based inks instead of petroleum-based inks. The thank-you card is made of recycled paper. The sticker, commonly plastic, has also been made of FSC-certified paper and soy-used inks. All together, this allows for complete recyclability of the packaging and wrapping. Additionally, the designs on the tissue paper and thank-you card feature low-ink usage (through the use of a white background) and opted to go without full-bleed edges, effectively reducing ink waste during the printing process.