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Filtering by: Sudbury Design Awards

Sudbury Design Awards: Clarity
to Jul 19

Sudbury Design Awards: Clarity

The Sudbury Design Society presents the Sudbury Design Awards: Clarity. This biennial exhibition displays the best in student and professional work across Greater Sudbury’s creative industries. Submissions are open to Greater Sudbury residents for work created between January 1, 2019, and May 1, 2021.

In keeping with this year’s theme of clarity, entries will be judged on how effectively they communicate their message or purpose to their intended audience as well as on technical skill.

Winning entries will be featured across all SDS communication channels; each will received a physical award, along with a bound and printed Sudbury Design Award book featuring their work along with all the other winners. The book will be available for download and shipping after the awards close.

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT – July 19, 2021, at 3:00 pm EST

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