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SDS Members receive a 10% discount to DesignThinkers Toronto!

Jennica Robinson

Members of SDS are invited to join us at DesignThinkers 2017 TO to connect with creative professionals from across town and around the globe. When we come together to share perspectives, powerful ideas come to life.

Conference registration includes two days of speakers, a creative marketplace, an invite to (and drink at) our Delegate Party and a multitude of opportunities to network with top design professionals.

Can't miss presentations from:
Val Head, Design Evangelist of UX Innovation, Adobe
Nicholas Blechman, Creative Director, The New Yorker
Maria Doreuli & Katerina Kochkina of Contrast Foundry
Mike Germano, Chief Digital Officer, VICE Media
Stephen Gates, Head of Global Design, Citi
...and many, many more.

For more info about DT, visit:

DesignThinkers 2015

Michela Langlois

DesignThinkers 2015
November 12 & 13
The Sony Centre, Toronto, Canada

With over 2,000 attendees and 25+ speakers, DesignThinkers is Canada’s largest conference for visual communicators. It is a must-attend for any informed, forward-thinking creative, communications or marketing professional or team. 

The inspiring event, now in its 16th year, breeds change agents who become drivers of innovation. DesignThinkers 2015 will delve into industry trends with visionaries from a range of communications-related disciplines including design, user experience, advertising, branding, consumer engagement, film, social media and entrepreneurship. 

Sessions teach delegates how to create effective communications by exploring cutting-edge innovation, the latest technology, demographic and ethnographic trends, strategic management techniques, cognitive theory and much more.

Speakers include:

Coralie Bickford-Smith, book jacket designer for Little Women & Sherlock Holmes
Cap Watkins, BuzzFeed's first-ever VP of Design
Annie Atkins, lead graphic designer of Oscar-winning The Grand Budapest Hotel
Robin Hunicke, co-founder, Funomena gaming studio
Sree Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Austin Kleon, best-selling author of Steal Like An Artist
Hjalti Karlsson, co-founder, karlssonwilker inc.
Chris Dixon, Design Director, Vanity Fair
Karim Rashid, world-renowned interior and industrial designer
Art Chantry, poster designer & creator of the grunge style
Nathalie Nahai, Web Psychologist
Frank Chimero, author & founder, Another

Early Bird rates end October 9! Discounts are available for groups, individuals working for non-profits and members of many RGD-affiliated organizations, including the Sudbury Design Society. Click here for information on travel discounts. Get full details and register at

Sudbury Design Society's third annual Studio Tours.

Michela Langlois

SUDBURY, ON - The Sudbury Design Society's teamed up with local businesses once again for the third annual Studio Tours. The event allows participants to visit serval architecture and design firms in Downtown Sudbury, and gain an insight into the day to day operations in the profession. This initiative helps to highlight to local opportunities in design and architecture that students often don’t consider, and the chance to discover more about what design and architecture can offer here in Sudbury.

The Sudbury Design Sudbury - or SDS - works to raise the value and visibility of design in Greater Sudbury, and their initiatives provide opportunities not only for members of the design community, but for everyone with an interest in the Sudbury design industry.

“The SDS is working to facilitate an experience that can highlight local firms doing amazing work, and also to give students the chance to meet an interact with individuals working in the field.” Said SDS President Meggan Michuad.

For the second year the event  included both Design and Architecture firms in an effort to bring together different creative professions. This year’s participating firms were 50 Carleton and Associates, Castellan James + Partners Architects, Design de Plume, Fuel Multimedia, Laurentian Architecture Laurentienne - LAL, Perry+Perry Architects, Studio123 , and the Cambrian College Open Studio. 

"It was wonderful to have so many engaged and curious participants this year, and so many of them first year students just getting started." Said Chrisanne Daniel, designer at 50 Carleton and Associates. "It's a great initiative, and it's wonderful to see more and more people come every year."

The SDS is continually looking to expand it's membership, and include not just designers, but anyone with an interest or appreciation for design. Events like the Studio Tours give the community a chance to learn more, and gain a deeper understanding of the role design plays in Sudbury.