contact us

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If we weren’t able to answer your question here, then please contact us at with your order number and one of our team members will promptly answer any questions you may have!


How long does it take for my order to ship?

All orders will be shipped contactless and Covid-19 safe from June 26 until June 28th.
If we have tons of orders we’ll have a second delivery date! If that’s the case, and your order is part of delivery 2, you will be sent an emails from the one provided during your order.


How can I update the shipping address for my order?

Please contact us at with your order number and one of our team members will update it for you.


I'm in the Sudbury area, can I pick up my online order locally?

To take precautionary measures, we’re suspending local pickups. We are otherwise operating business house and we appreciate your order. We will update you here when local pickup is available again.


What is your return policy?

We accept the return of unused and unopened product in its original packaging within 14 days of purchase. Please contact us at to coordinate a return. Refunds will be processed within 5 business days, after the package is received at our studio. Please note, your original shipping charges are not refunded.

Questions about the shirt? Find all the information about about care and sizing at

Friendly Reminders:

  • Always wash your 100% cotton items in cold & hang to dry to prevent shrinking and fading.

  • Length is measured from the highest point on the collar down to the bottom hem.

  • Width is measured across the body of the shirt, one way.

  • Sleeves are measured from center back to hem.